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2011年6月18日 星期六

Job Seekers Online: Welcome To The Family

When you went down to the last job fair, it seemed like most of the town was there with the same intention. But, when you are alone in your room and doing the same basic tasks, are you thinking of all of the others who are doing the same? There are millions of job seekers online, you are only one in a group of many and you don't even have the advantage of charming the hiring team with your smile and snappy clothes. So, how do you try to get the advantage when swimming in a sea of millions of other job seekers online?

Cast a Wide Net and Sort Out the Catch Later

One of the biggest mistakes that job seekers online make is applying for only one or two jobs in one set niche. On the opposite side of that spectrum are the people who are trying to break out of their accepted profession and are applying for everything that they find and then some. The problem though, they don't have any discernible real talents, so they are just basically wasting their time. There is a middle ground- which will have you filling out applications for anything and everything in your area that you are remotely qualified for and/or interested in doing.

Get Your Boat to the Docks First

Because there are so many job seekers online, you have to do whatever you can to give yourself an advantage of any kind. Using a job search service is one of the ways that you might get the jump on postings before others- however, keep in mind that there is no secret about these sites and there will be a good number of people trying to get that very same advantage in the same way.

Watch the Lighthouse for Signals to Proceed

Where you can gain some advantage on the other job seekers online is with the social networking sites especially the professional based ones. You can get an idea of when a huge shakeup is happening or about to happen and even have an idea of what kind of positions are now opening up in that industry. Once you know who is going to need an employee, you can get your resume in before anyone else and actually have the advantage over all of the other job seekers online. Anything that you can do to stand out is a good idea- in this case you are among the first names they see.

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2011年6月17日 星期五

TNMGraphics Occupations - Solcialite - Coffee Gift Baskets - Coffee Gift Basket

TNMGraphics Occupations - Solcialite - Coffee Gift Baskets - Coffee Gift BasketSolcialite Coffee Gift Basket is measuring 9x9x4. Contains 15oz mug, BONUS free set of 4 coasters, biscotti and 5 blends of gourmet coffee. French Vanilla, Kenya AA, Decaf Colombian Supremo, Chocolate and Italian Roast Espresso elegantly presented in our signature black planet coffee gift box. A very nice and thoughtful gift for any occasion.

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2011年6月16日 星期四

Dream Job Coaching

eBooks for the Job Searcher

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How to find IT Job in the UK - 4 Guidebooks for non-Uk nationals

Written by Top UK IT Recruiters. The only such product on the market!! There are millions of IT Professionals globally trying to find a job in the UK and looking for guidance. Have a look at the graphics you can use to promote this set of 4 ebooks!

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2011年6月15日 星期三

Get a Job: What Is The Best Way to Apply for Part-Time Jobs?

Are you a high school or college student looking for a part-time job? Are you already a full-time worker who is looking for a second job with fewer hours? If so, you want to start your job search today. But wait! There are lots of part-time jobs out there; how should you go about applying for them?

First and foremost, it is important to mention that companies have different hiring practices. Even two retail stores right next to each other in your local mall are likely to have different methods of accepting applications. One store may request that you submit your application in person, while another wants you to return home and use the online application found on the store's website. However, many companies looking to hire for part-time jobs do give applicants choices. Lets say that you have a choice; what method of applying is best? To come up with an answer, lets look at the pros and cons of each.

Applying Online: When applying for a low-hour job via an online website, you are likely submitting your application to the company's corporate office, but applying for a job at a local branch. There might be a couple of days or weeklong lag by the time your job application makes it to the local branch (store, bank, restaurant) in question. There has been a few rare cases when a job seeker has called to inquire about the status of their application, only to hear that the local hiring manager never received it.

There are however, benefits to applying for part-time jobs online. A job search website will connect with you multiple jobs (possibly hundreds depending on your location) at once! This is a huge figure. Since you can apply for jobs online by filling out the online application or by uploading your resume, the process goes fairly quick. Basically, you are able to apply for more open positions in less amount of time.

Applying in Person: There are a few downsides to applying for part-time jobs in person. One being the time it takes. When applying for jobs online, you can copy and paste parts of your resume onto the online application form. When filling out applications in person, you must write it by hand. While you can attach a printed resume to the application, most companies require that their application is filled out regardless. Moreover, lets say that you want to work at a local retail store. Even if you hit your local mall, where there might be 50 to 100 stores altogether, it takes time to visit each store, apply, and submit your application.

The main benefit to applying for part-time jobs in person is that you get face-time in the store. Whether you apply by submitting your resume to the hiring manager, an assistant manager, or even another cashier, you are able to get into the establishment and network. This is good because you want the hiring manager to be able to associate your resume with a face. On that same note, caution is advised because of this. Always dress professionally when submitting a formal application for a job, don't visit the establishment during a rush (weekend for retail and dinner time for restaurants).

As a reminder, it is important to apply for jobs the way that the company recommends. Email your resume if they want it emailed; apply online if they want you to, and apply in person if requested. If you do have an option, it might be a good idea to attempt to apply in person, hopefully scoring yourself a little one-on-one time with the hiring manager. Good luck!

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Make the Switch! The Art of Switching Jobs

Are you having a hard time getting out of bed in the morning knowing that you are actually heading to the place that you hate the most? Is your current job negatively affecting your personal life? Do you feel unappreciated in your current job even though you work hard everyday? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then are you ready to quit? Ideally, the answer would also be "yes". However, real life circumstances are often a lot more complicated.

Most people who work in a job they actually hate choose not to quit right away, maybe because of the paycheck they get or maybe because they are worried they aren't competent enough for the job they really want to do. There are all sorts of reasons or excuses for not seeking out a "dream job". However, finding the job that you have always wanted is closer than you might think, if you can only prepare yourself properly.

You must know someone who has gone from job to job, always leaving because they were unhappy. This person would always find themselves at a new job that also made them unhappy, simply because they didn't take the time to figure out what it was about their current job that they didn't like.Let us explore the steps that you should take to make sure that your career transition is smooth and that you are fully prepared for the switch.

Assess your Situation

You must truly understand the reasons behind the dissatisfaction with your current job, and you will have to ask yourself a few critical questions before starting the search for new employment. If you don't, you might end up in a situation with similar problems. Questions such as: Why am I not happy? What motivates me? Is the current work environment a healthy one? Is the current job too stressful? Are there any better opportunities out there? Am I fairly paid?

Once you have answered these questions (and others you might think of) sincerely and objectively, ask yourself whether you are willing to try and make your current situation work. Once you have identified the problems, it becomes easier for you to try and solve them. In many cases, a conversation with your boss, a change in attitude or an increase in responsibility could be all that is needed to give you job satisfaction. If, after some thorough reflection, you still decide that you need to take a break from your current situation, proceed armed with the knowledge of what you DON'T want from your next job in addition to what you DO want.

Get to Know Yourself - Take the MBTI Personality Test

The next critical junction in your job-switching journey is to determine your strengths and weaknesses in a career context, in addition to what environment you like to work in. Are you happiest working in teams, or alone? Do you enjoy motivating others or do you prefer to be motivated? Do you work well under pressure? Do you like to be given strict deadlines or general milestones? Knowing your own work style and how well you fit within a certain type of company gives you a more realistic expectation of your next potential job.

The best way to understand your personality type is to take an official MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). The results of the test will give you a full analysis of your strengths and blind spots within a career context and will help you overcome your miscommunication issues at work.

Explore Your Options

Nowadays, job seekers (and even job switchers) are spending hours on the Internet looking for new career opportunities. Take the time to read this information and thoroughly analyze the company and the job before applying to it. Also keep in mind that the competition is fierce, so try and increase your chances for a successful application by refining your search and applying only to relevant jobs.

The Power of Networking

Another valuable career search tool is "networking". This means you purposefully develop relationships with others in order to expand your social and professional sphere of influence. Networking is an essential part of career exploration and job searching. It is also a critical component of success in general. Networking is usually done offline, but the internet today has developed a true online career network that will help you build and retain a professional network of business contacts to help you succeed at finding your dream job.

Be Honest With Your Current Boss

Once you find a new job, you should talk to your boss about it. Chances are that your current boss won't be too excited about your decision, but if you are sincere and honest about your reasons for wanting a change, most probably, your boss will understand. Always be open to what your boss has to say at this point, and try to be respectful and to leave on a good note.

A former employer can be an incredibly helpful resource for you in your career, and it pays to leave on friendly terms. It is always useful to have a former boss that is willing to give you a good recommendation and to put you in contact with the right people that can help you develop your career.

Give Proper Notice

Once you have made up your mind to leave, be sure to give your employer the appropriate notice that is considered standard for your position. The amount of notice will normally be set out in the contract with your current employer. Typically, it is one month. However, many senior positions will require that you provide even more notice before you leave. Be aware of what your boss expects and give him or her as much time as you possibly can. You should also make sure that your new employer is aware of this notice period as well as of any time you need to take off in between jobs.

Offer your Training Services

Your current company has spent a lot of time and money training you and honing your working skills. It will naturally cost them just as much time and money (if not more) to find a replacement for you and train them all over again. In the spirit of cooperation and good relations, it will go a long way if you offer to train another employee prior to leaving. After all, you would not want to leave your former co-workers in a state of confusion after you are gone. Make a list of notes with tips that you have learned while at your current job and hand it over to your boss and the new employee that will replace you. It will be greatly appreciated and noticed by the entire office. Remember not to burn bridges, just make sure that you do what you can without inconveniencing yourself or your future employer.

Have you already made up your mind? Do you want to take the plunge and switch jobs? Just blast your CV to every employer in the market and they will take notice that you are aggressively seeking a job.

No matter what your reasons are, it is important to make your exit smooth for all parties involved. While you may be moving on to a bigger and better position, your current employer still has a business to run. You must maintain your professionalism at all times, no matter how much you feel like dropping everything and walking out the door today.

Mais Gousous is a full time Marketing Specialist / Career Consultant at Akhtaboot, the leading career network for the Middle East and GCC Region. Mais currently works with the different departments of Akhtaboot on various projects in Marketing, e-Marketing and career training.

2011年6月14日 星期二

5 Tips on How to Deal with Jobs Fairs

A job fair represents a good opportunity for job seekers to meet with the job offers in persons, meaning with the employing companies representatives. If you are looking for a job, a job fair is an event you shouldn't miss. You will have the chance to interact personally with the employers and you will get a glimpse on the companies inside. You will also have the opportunity to meet a lot of employers in a short time and in the same place. And you may even get an interview right there if you are exactly what the employer is looking for.

In order for you to best benefit from a job fair, here are some tips you should take into consideration.

First of all, always do your homework before attending a job fair. Study the list of the companies participating to the job fair and select those you are interested in applying for a job. Keep in mind that you will have limited time at the job fair and you will not be able to meet all the employers. Therefore, make your own list of companies and do some research on them. Check their web sites; get familiar with their specific field of expertise.

After putting together the list of target employers, prioritise them. Think of the information you will ask them and think of your job objectives. Adjust your resume to their requirements and make sure they fit the company's strategy (which you have previously studied on its web site!). Double check your resume for spelling or grammar errors and make sure it provides clear, easy to understand information. Make plenty of resume copies and add some extra just in case you will find some other interesting job offers at the job fair.

Think of a short, concise speech about yourself, your working experience and your job objectives. Think of some questions you will ask the companies representatives about jobs or activity details in order to decide if a certain company's offer is what you are looking for.

Always remember to dress up for the event. This doesn't mean you will need to wear an evening gown or a tuxedo. You will have to look serious and professional, so pay attention to your clothes as the employers will definitely pay attention to this aspect.

And finally, think positive. You may not be the best prepared candidate for a certain job, but positive thinking and determination will help you overtake other job seekers. Keep in mind that employers are looking for professional, determined and committed persons, so be professional in your job hunting! Good luck!

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A new, professionally written eBook by John Kador, a publisher author & career expert offering readers an 8-step system to achieving job interview success. High-unemployment combined with a quality product will ensure high conversions! Top commissions!

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2011年6月13日 星期一

New website launched 10/23! People Need Jobs!

Now paying up to $46 a sale. Come see our new website. This site is converting 3/10! Give people what they want, Real Jobs from Home. Visit Join the affiliates already earning thousands! Don't wait.

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Successful Job Seekers Are Really Halloween Trick or Treaters in Disguise

Trick or treaters prepare in dance for their Halloween fun. Everything from what they wear, where they plan on going and knowing how to ask for what they want. Sounds like a great plan for job seekers too!

Successful Halloween Trick or Treaters would do well on a job interview. Let's see how they do it.

1. The most effective trick or treaters plan their route well to maximize the time they spend actually getting what they want (for you, insert "career path" here).

2. Trick or treaters dress for success.

3. The most successful trick or treaters ask for their trick or treat (ask questions).

4. The most successful trick or treaters put in the time needed.

5. The most successful trick or treaters network to find out where the best treats are to be found.

6. It's a night filled with repeatedly trying to get the best treats (keep looking for your dream job).

7. Clever treaters have been known to try to ask for their fair share, wait a while, and return for more (keep communicating).

8. If you want to get more treats (job offers), you have to go on more interviews.

9. Smart treaters always say Thank You.

10. At the end of the day, if you didn't get all of the treats you wanted, you need to work harder next time.

So, get out there and create your career path. Don't forget to dress for success, which depending on the type of job may mean business attire (no tattoos or piercings showing) and all of your materials with you (resume, letters, certificates, business cards, etc). Don't forget to follow-up with a personalized handwritten thank you note card for each person you interviewed with. I know you will be more successful getting your dream job if you think Trick or Treat!

Mo Nelson is leading the team at Tat2X, a lifestyle brand dedicated to the working professional with tattoos - providing the very best in tattoo cover up and tattoo aftercare products.

2011年6月12日 星期日

Finding the Perfect Scuba Diving job

The perfect product to target keen divers or people looking to change their career, by starting a scuba diving career. Step by Step guide revealing the mistakes people need to avoid to guarantee finding the perfect scuba diving job.

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2011年6月11日 星期六

Legitimate Online Jobs - Best Seller with over 2,000 Legit Online Jobs

Earn 75% Commission selling the Internet's largest database of work from home jobs. We currently have over 2,000 Trusted legit online jobs with hundreds more added each week. Lowest refunds. Visitors browse jobs for free, then they buy a membership. Hot!

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2011年6月10日 星期五

Finding a Job - The Secrets of Successful Job Seekers

With the current global recession, finding a job has never been more difficult. As the job market shrinks, competition between prospective employees has become fierce. If you want to land the perfect occupation, you need more than just a bit of good luck. Employment experts agree that there are certain steps that make finding a job that much easier.

1.) Have a Plan: Searching through the classified ads or browsing the internet job sites each day is not a plan. When you are looking for employment, you need to treat your job search as if it were a job itself. You should devote a specific amount of time each day to job-related activities. In addition to actually looking for job notices, time should be spent revising your CV, improving your skills and evaluating the type of employment you want and need. There are numerous resources available both on the internet and at the library that can help job seekers create a personalized plan of attack for their job search.

2.) Engage Your Social Networking Sites: Whether you're a member of LinkedIn or have created your own MySpace, now is the time to put those social networking platforms to good use. Let everyone and anyone know that you are on the hunt for a job. You never know who will be in a position to offer you a lead or connect you with a decision maker. While LinkedIn is specifically intended for professionals to network with one another, don't overlook the usefulness of Twitter, Facebook and any of the other social media options available today.

3.) Get New Skills: If you've been downsized from a shrinking industry such as manufacturing, your chances of finding a job in the same field are probably shrinking as well. Carefully consider your options and determine whether it might be time to upgrade your skills or move into a new industry. Depending on your location, some government agencies may offer free career counseling and even pick up the tab for the cost of training programs.

4.) Expand Your Job Hunt: Don't limit yourself to just one means of finding a job. Instead of focusing solely on classified ads or the internet, diversify your searches. Many jobs are not listed in the classified ads while internet job sites can become a dumping ground of stale, out-dated listings. Send out letters to companies that interest you, even if they don't appear to be hiring at the moment. Pick up the phone and make networking calls to old colleagues and friends. Attend job fairs and mixers held by local universities or business groups. There are no definitive methods to finding a job; you need to use all your options if you want to be successful.

5.) Stay Positive: The reality is that you will be on the receiving end of a lot of rejection before you find that perfect job. Perhaps the most important trait of successful job hunters is that they do not give up. Whether they are on their 5th application or their 50th, they always believe that their new job is right around the corner. Finding a job takes tenacity and commitment. You have to believe that your perfect job is out their just waiting for you to discover it.

The current employment statistics may be grim, but there is no reason to despair. Despite what the news media would have us believe, many businesses are still growing and hiring. However, you must be prepared with a good plan and constant follow-up to set yourself apart from the rest of the pack. These simple secrets can bring you that much closer to finding a job of your dreams.

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Interviewing Mastery - Turn Job Interviews Into Job Offers

Job interview tips that convert interviews into job offers. Learn how to prepare for an interview, answer the toughest interview questions, and present yourself as the ideal person for the job. Simple steps to landing the job of your dreams.

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2011年6月9日 星期四

Caribbean Jobs, Jobs in the Sun - Work in the Tropics

Caribbean Jobs Listed In The Best Employment Portal For The Caribbean. Advice, Forums, Chat Rooms, Post your resume for the areas top recruiters to view.

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2011年6月8日 星期三

Job Crusher 2.0 Pays You For Life!

Look there is no other offer in this category with the history, the credibility & the Proof changing people's lives and incomes-Job Crusher members are Lifers because it flat works and that means lifetime residuals for You!

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Selection Criteria Writer - Government job applications made easy

Software product to easily and quickly create selection criteria based job applications. Designed primarily for Australian job applicants yet suitable to any selection criteria application process. Includes video tutorials, extensive guides & much more

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2011年6月7日 星期二

"FOR A SPECIAL NURSE" Touching 8x10 Poem, Double-matted in Burgundy/Dark Green And Enhanced With Watercolor Graphics.

This beautiful, heart-stirring verse is sure to touch the heart of a very special nurse in a profound and meaningful way. This quality product is 8x10 in size. It is double-Matted. The Verse is ...........
"For A Special Nurse".........

Long before you entered nursing, .........
The Lord had played his part, .........
Planting seeds of love and kindness.........
In the portals of your heart. .........

For it's clear that you've been gifted.........
With a sympathetic ear, .........
And blessed from the beginning.........
With a willingness to cheer. .........

And the people who you care for, .........
Are better off by far, .........
When they're touched by your compassion, .........
By the person that you are. .........

For in times of woe & worry.........
When they're frightened or they're blue, .........
No one could be more consoling.........
Than the friend they'll find in you. .........


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2011年6月6日 星期一

Firefighter Red Antenna Ball Topper

Firefighter Red Antenna Ball TopperThis helpful fireman will help you find your car! Red hat fireman antenna ball topper is just right for the job. Add a cool Buddies spring stand to create a great computer or dashboard toy. Not intended for use with retractable antennas. Find more great toppers at


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2011年6月5日 星期日

Marketing YOU 101 - Tips For the Job Seeker

Does any product really succeed in the marketplace without a marketing plan? Is there any successful widget or gadget or service that gets by under the "if we build it, they will come" theory? No! Just look around you and observe what sells. How do you hear about it? What is the pitch? The truth is, whether it is subtle or loud, every successful product in the modern American marketplace has a marketing plan built around it.

What is the one product you know better than anyone else? What product can you most persuasively describe the benefits leading to a "buy" decision? That product, of course, is YOU and the valuable service that you bring to an organization lucky enough to hire you. Think of your career search efforts not simply as "looking for a job" but rather as an integrated marketing campaign using multiple synergistic channels to get the word out about you and how you will bring value to an organization. This article will describe some practical steps you can take as a job seeker to plan and launch a marketing campaign with YOU as the product.

Any successful marketing campaign will have four phases which you should incorporate into your larger job search campaign: Research, strategic planning, implementation, and assessment. I will describe the crucial elements to each phase.

Research. The first part of any marketing campaign is to understand the various marketing channels that are available. What is a "marketing channel"? It is simply the path you will use to communicate your message to those who should hear it. Some important channels for the job seeker are:

Your extended network. Arguably the most important channel because it is estimated that 60% of all positions are landed through one's network. Your task here is to discover and marshal the people network so that they can help you land a position that you want.
Social networking. This has really come to the forefront in the last two years as being an effective channel to get your message out. Sites like LinkedIn and Facebook are the most well known but there are others out there as well.
Traditional internet job search sites. It is important to have a presence on Monster and CareerBuilder and others that may tailor to your specific targeted industry(ies).
Recruiters. There are a lot of them who would love to place you with a happy client and collect a nice fat fee. Find out which recruiting firms may specialize in your area of expertise and then approach them first.
Organizations, associations, and networking groups. Are you a Rotarian or a member of another community organization? Or perhaps you get your college alumni association newsletter and indeed can claim membership? These groups will typically have some career help available. My college alumni association actually holds a career fair twice a year. Leverage these organizations to help you get the word out about what you can offer a prospective employer.

Strategic Planning. Now that you have identified targeted marketing channels, the next step is to develop a strategic plan that will tailor your message in an appropriate way for each marketing channel. And by the way, it is not effective to only employ one channel or one way to communicate your message. It is critical that you use every tool at your disposal while at the same time ensuring you have a consistent message. In strategic planning you should actually write down your plan so that you can refer back to it often and also note which aspect was successful and which was not (which you will be doing in the assessment phase).

Implementation. Often, it is not what you do but how you do it that is a key determinant in success. In this phase you need to be disciplined about carrying out the plan that you developed with enthusiasm. As you get down into the details of implementation, you may find that you need to make some adjustments to your message along the way. That is perfectly fine. That means you are observant and open to feedback. Just ensure that you have a consistent message across the different channels. For example, I have seen a case where a candidate's resume came across my desk as a Business Analyst looking for the same type of position and have also seen this same person looking for a Quality Assurance position. This may not be inconsistent if this person has the relevant experience in each field, but one needs to be careful if the various messages are not consistent because it may cause "confusion in the marketplace".

Assessment. In this phase you want to take some time to assess the effectiveness of your marketing efforts within each channel. One way to do this is to measure the number of inquiries that you are getting and their source. If you are getting some great inquiries through one of your channels, you may want to consider putting more of your time into working that channel since it apparently is reaching the right folks. Part of this phase is to see what works and what doesn't and to go back to your plan and make adjustments accordingly.

Remember, you are your own best advocate. You, more than anyone else, knows how to articulate your own value proposition. Approach your job search like you are developing a marketing campaign using the phased approach I have outlined and you will clearly stand out from your competition.

John McClure is president of Signalman Publishing which specializes in bringing non-fiction works to e-readers everywhere. He has a varied career history including time spent as a nuclear trained submarine officer in the U.S. Navy and twelve years experience in corporate America as an Information Technology manager. He is co-author of the book, "Get the Job You Want in IT: Insider Strategies for a Successful Job Search Campaign" (Signalman Publishing, 2010, ISBN: 978-0-9840614-7-1) which can be found on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble and through the website

2011年6月4日 星期六

Job Candidates' Online Presence - How Much Should a Recruiter Dig?

As more recruiters and employers make a habit of researching job candidates online, it raises the question of what online information is worth reviewing.

A Microsoft survey of U.S. hiring managers and job recruiters in December 2009 found that 79 percent of them had reviewed online information about job applicants, and 70 percent of U.S. hiring managers surveyed indicated that they had rejected candidates based on online information.

For candidates, this means that they could miss out on a job they're well-qualified for and have no idea why, as most employers don't state upfront whether they research candidates online.

For recruitment agents, this means that job finalists presented to a client might be researched online by the hiring manager. Arguably, it's better to know in advance what "digital dirt" an employer might find in order to anticipate questions and avoid presenting a candidate who might be rejected based on his or her online presence.

Many recruiters feel an obligation to vet candidates as thoroughly as possible, including through Internet sources, before presenting them to a client. One U.S.-based executive search firm owner said she thinks it's just another part of the vetting process that recruiters and researchers should perform as part of their due diligence.

Internet research on a candidate could include looking up the person on Google, LinkedIn and Facebook, and comparing dates and details to look for discrepancies. For example, a date listed in a press release that differs from a date on LinkedIn could raise questions that the candidate will need to explain.

However, looking at a candidate on a site like Facebook can be a waste of time because the information can be largely irrelevant, some say. One U.K.-based search consultant who mostly works on contingency said she doesn't find it a good use of time to research candidates extensively on social networks, but might do that for a retainer client.

Likewise, the practice of researching candidates' personal information raises questions about fairness and privacy. Some say information is fair game if a candidate has put it online, but others argue that it becomes too easy for an employer to reject a job seeker based on information that isn't pertinent to their application.

While online information can be helpful, recruiters say the focus is still on reference checks as the best source of information on a candidate's suitability. Meanwhile, job seekers should be aware of what information about them is online and keep in mind that employers and head hunters might look at it.

Here are a few tips for managing your online reputation:

? Search for yourself on Google to see what information comes up.

? Adjust the privacy settings on any social networking profiles if you don't want employers to see the information on there.

? Be careful about putting any information about yourself online. Once online, it can spread or be used in ways you didn't expect.

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Job Search - How to Get a Job Fast!

This recession is fast upon us and it will be around for a long time. Many of us are at risk of losing our jobs. Some of us may already be out of work. Without a job, you cannot provide for your family or pay for major expenses such as your mortgage and car. You may have to dig deep into your savings if you have any, or ask family and friends to help out. It can be very depressing and humiliating to find yourself in this situation.

With millions of people looking for jobs and not enough jobs to go around, you must figure out ways to stand out above this crowd. Ways to get a huge edge over other job seekers? To have your resume picked first? To get called first for more interviews than others and to get lots of job offers? To get the best compensation package?

Getting a new job is easy once you know how. To beat out other job hunters, you must be the best in your job search efforts and use the best job-getting tools available. If you are not willing to put in the effort to rise above the crowd, you may have to settle for a job that does not suit you or worse yet remain unemployed.

Follow all these proven steps to get a job fast:

Where To Find Jobs

To get a job you must know where they are and who is offering them. As bad as the economy is, do you know that in several industry sectors, there are jobs available by the thousands! In sectors such as infrastructure construction, green sector, health care and fitness, energy and utilities, government, technology and education, there are and will be hundreds of thousands of jobs available.

How To Look For Jobs

99% of people take the easy way out and apply for jobs advertised in local or national newspapers. These are the jobs that have the most competition. Remember we want to stand out in our job search efforts. There are at least a dozen or more other ways to find jobs that very few know about or use. All it takes is to diversify your search efforts.

How To Do An Self- Evaluation

Before you let potential employers know about you, it might be useful to know about yourself first. Do you know what you have to offer an employer? The purpose of a self-evaluation is to assess your strengths, weaknesses, skills and abilities. It will go a long way in tailoring your competencies to what the potential employer wants.

Know What Employers Want

If you don't know what employers are looking for want, how can you offer them what they want? It's like playing poker and trying to guess who has got what. Well it pays to do a little research beyond the skimpy job posting to find out what a employer truly wants. Knowing this, you can prepare yourself accordingly, in your resume, cover letter and interview questions.

Applying For The Job

There are many ways to apply for a job including completing a job application, employment application, online job application, and applying via email and mail. It is quite easy to botch this important step if you don't follow employers directions.

How To Prepare A Job Resume

Every day employers sort through piles of resumes and typically devote 30 seconds or less to each one. Your resume is your marketing brochure designed to attract the interest of the prospective employer. An effective resume must make a powerful impression and entice them to read more. Learn how to write amazing resumes that will have employers calling you for job interviews.

How to Prepare A Cover Letter

If your resume is your marketing brochure, then your cover letter is your business card that accompanies your resume. Your cover letter is your first (and best) chance to make a good impression! An effective cover letter should explain the reasons for your interest in the organization and in the job you are applying for. Learn how to write an effective cover letter.

How To Conduct Yourself At A Job Interview

The purpose of a job interview is for you and the employer to get to know each other and find out whether there is a good fit of skills, experience and attitude. It's an opportunity for you to market yourself and let your future employer see the benefits you could bring to the role. It's also your chance to find out whether you want to work for them. Learn about how you should prepare for a job interview.....

How To Negotiate A Fair Compensation Package

Before you start talking compensation with a prospective employer, you need to find out how much the job (and you) are worth. Leaving money on the table is the most common mistake potential employees make when confronted with the question, "How much are you looking for?" Every good interviewer will ask this. Learn how to get what you are worth and a job offer that's realistic.

If you enjoyed reading this article and would like to learn more about the specifics of each of these steps, then I invite you to visit Job Search []

Author: Art J. Lewis

2011年6月3日 星期五

Fishing For Job Seekers Using the Internet

One of the most efficient ways of looking for human resource talent is tapping the World Wide Web. You could be looking only for a music teacher, account or a graphics designer. On the other hand, you could even be looking for a senior manager or a vice president. For an entry-level programmer, you can search on one of the job boards, but looking for a vice president may not be so easy.

Looking for Candidates

Over the past few years, Linked In, FaceBook, My Space and other social networking sites have hosted a huge number of visitors who have built their profiles. Amongst them, you may find your vice president. Remember however, he may not be a job seeker. You would have to make contact with the person and develop a conversation. If the person interests you, you could request the resume and then you could initiate the rest of the process.

On the other hand, if you are looking for web designers to work for your company, you could well go to a job board such as or and launch a recruitment campaign. You may have to cough up a small fee but that is good value for money.

Most job boards allow you to advertise on them for a fee. You could consider that route especially if you have special requirements. For example, you want all your web designers to speak English and Spanish. Another situation could be that you want telecallers to speak English and German or French. You are not looking for translators and interpreters but persons who can speak these languages fluently. While searching on the job boards, it may not be possible for you to easily locate such persons because the keyword search may not go into this field. You can plug in an advertisement, which precisely identifies your requirements.

Similarly, there are forums and blogs to consider. Many of the home business forums contain profiles of qualified professionals who would not mind a steady income flow while they work at their competency levels in a freelance capacity. People on forums also are of the same category. In most cases folks on these forums and also blogs pass the word around about opportunities for others. This is another way to identify qualified candidates who may be interested in working for you either full-time or part-time.

Some Hiring Tips

We aren't going to provide you some brilliant secret tips but well tried out practices. First, do a fair amount of pre-screening. Talk to the candidate first. If you are a one-person firm, you will want to talk to the person first. If you are a hotshot CEO, ask your secretary to talk to the prospective candidate, assuming your HR manager is unavailable.

If you are the HR head, the choice is between getting a resume first or talking to the candidate. If the person happens to be senior, always talk first.

During the conversation with the candidate, try and elicit as many details as possible. But you should know what to ask about. A good web designer should be able to demonstrate familiarity with tools such as FrontPage and DreamWeaver. Someone applying for a telecaller's job should sound nice and know how to speak clearly. A senior prospect could sound either like a bubbly stream or a placid lake. If you have performed pre-interview screening, you can get much more out of the interview. In addition, costs are often reduced as these procedures may eliminate candidates who are not qualified to work for you.

Finding the Right Person

You must not ignore offline methods of looking for candidates, even though they are usually more expensive. In most cases, you should advertise in some way locally for candidates. In addition, in some cases, it may be better that you outsource the job to a firm, which specializes in head hunting. Remember that employees are the backbone of a company. So whether you are a small company or a large organization, hire carefully. You will not have to fire anyone in the long run.

Anthony Dayal is the CEO of Vistas Advertising and Marketing LLC, A Dubai and Sharjah based interactive marketing and advertising agency, which helps clients to market their products and services on the Internet through winning SEO and SEM initiatives. Visit him at and check out his impressive list of services all designed to propel your company to the next level of corporate achievement.

2011年6月2日 星期四

Modern Job Search Strategies

In a modern job search, there is so much more employment opportunity than there was just a few years ago. Thanks to job boards and social networking, there is so much more opportunity to find, research and apply for what seems like many more jobs.

But, does this variety actually offer more opportunity, or just result in more confusion? Most surveys currently suggest that with job boards only being the source of 12% of fulfilled jobs, that actually these new job search systems simply result in more job search frustration.

Job Search basics

What has to be remembered, is that although the opportunities seem greater in number, the basic truth is that the number of jobs is solely dependent on the need of employers from both the public/government and private sector for talent, and supplementing their workforce. Hence the basics of a modern job search come back to the question: how do employers fulfil their vacancies?

Modern employers

As has always been the case, many vacancies are fulfilled internally through promotion. This should be seen by all as a good thing, as employers want to encourage the internal spirit of their work place as a good place to work. The amount of internal promotion and development varies between employer to employer, but anywhere between a third and 90% of vacancies can be fulfilled internally. On average, one third of vacancies are fulfilled internally, and are nominally closed to external hires.

The old primary source of new hires was advertising, either via direct newspaper adverts or through recruitment agencies. While still accounting for one third of fulfilled vacancies, the biggest change in this sector has been from local newspapers to online jobs boards. From launching in 2000, job boards now account for 12% of fulfilled vacancies, which is just over half of the market share which used to be fulfilled by local newspapers. While many may think that the market share is higher, the truth is that most of the good and active local job boards are actually owned by the local newspapers, who now offer a blended media package across a range of formats, which hence supplements their income over greatly degradating it.

Modern job search

But the advertising method of gain new hires and employees is on the wane, thanks to the internet. The fastest expanding sector in recruitment is hiring known people. Traditionally made up of employers hiring people from their suppliers customers or competitors, the lower cost and known knowledge of the hiring company by the new employee also means quicker integration and hence operational efficiency. This method is now supplemented by two new tactics, with firstly employers paying employees to recommend new hires, and secondly employers using social media search methods to find the exact people with the required skills to fulfil their vacancies. It is postulated by the employment industry that with so much growth at business networking groups such as LinkedIn, where members can upload their CV/resume for free, that CV/resume databases in the future will not be required or commercial.

The question therefore comes down to what the modern job seeker can do to improve their job search, in both speed to employment and opportunity? Firstly, even if you are looking for a local job, no longer can you rely on just skimming the newspaper and job boards for b adverts to respond to. With only 12% of jobs fulfilled that way, you are reducing your chances of employment by 90%. This should be but one strategy in your job search.

Core Job Search Strategies

Modern job seekers also have to deploy three further strategies.

Firstly, you already have a target job in mind, so why not extend that and have a target employer in mind? I suggest that you initially take 10 potential employers, and research them thoroughly. From this you should gain an idea of what they do, how they do it, the way they operate and where your skills could fit in their organisation. Now using social media tools such as LinkedIn to find the name of the potential hiring manager, approach them via an Informational Interview with a request for a meeting.

Secondly, when you know that employers are paying employees to find new hires, the power of Job Search Networking is greatly increased. Where do the employers go who recruit in your sector? Is there a local business group, such as a chamber of commerce; or a professional sector body covering your profession, such as the Institute of Chartered Accountants? A simple pre-formed Elevator Pitch and the premise that you probably won't secure a job at the meeting, but a follow up coffee could easily secure an introduction, should see more opportunity come your way.

Thirdly, make sure that your Social Media Profile is on the internet in the right places and in the right order. 80% of employers now undertake initial background checks on job applicants to job adverts through a simple Google-based search of your name. Hence not having a social media profile is as bad as having one which includes your professional profile next to pictures from your lads stag do in Spain. Employers want socially connected people, but if you place it on the internet then its fair game in consideration and not privacy intrusion.

While ten years ago a job search was looking through newspapers, the new opportunities offered by both new tools and techniques need to be applied so that they give you the best chance of employment. So don't just replace a newspaper with a job board, look at the three additional strategies - Informational Interview, Networking and Social Media profile - to get employed quicker in the job you want.

Good Luck!

Ian R McAllister is the founder of a UK group focused on recruitment and employment in skills-short professional employment sectors, presently covering IT, telecoms and project management. The group also provides professional candidate information and services via a series of online resources, including the Professional CV [] and Executive CV services

Dream Pilot Jobs and How To Get One

Dream Pilot Jobs shows pilots of all experience levels and locations how to find exceptional employment opportunities regardless of the economic state of the industry. Much more than an interview prep, we take pilots from 0 jet time to their Dream Jobs.

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2011年6月1日 星期三

Looking For a Job That Matches Your Skills?

Searching and finding the right job involves learning specific job search

skills and then planning and organizing the best ways to look for a job.

First, begin by asking yourself:

A: What type of job am I looking for?

B: What skills do I have to offer?

Before starting a job search you need to have a well-outlined plan. When it

comes to applying for a job, setting goals is essential. One common problem

with job seekers is that they don't question themselves whether they're

suited for a specific job position or career. It's important that the work

you are going to be doing is enjoyable and rewarding. If you wouldn't enjoy

spending a great amount of time with children, becoming an elementary school

teacher probably wouldn't be best suited for you. If you are meticulous and

like detail oriented work, being an accountant might be the ideal job for you.

Don't forget, when getting a job, your lifestyle will probably be altered.

For example, working as a management consultant for an international company,

chances are you would probably be spending a fair amount of time

you would need to like flying. A career such as an urban engineer would

require living in a large city, so having this type of job wouldn't be

suitable for you if you preferred living in a smaller, rural area.

3 Things to consider before job searching:

1: Opportunities for advancement vary for different careers and companies.

Some offer a much greater chance than others to advance quickly. So how quick

you want to advance depends on which career or company you choose.

2: Some jobs allow more of a flexible work schedule than others. Keep this in

mind when seeking a job that might require working long hours.

3: To help determine which job is best for you, you should think about the

things that interest you, your likes, dislikes, and what you enjoy doing. Do

you enjoy working with people?...working with machines?...working in an

office?...working outdoors?...doing routine activities? Your likes, dislikes,

personality, and goals should determine what job or career you should choose.

The next step, after you have determined what your interests are and what's

important to you, is what skills you have to offer. Do you have the skill to

comprehend and use words well? see details? work independently?...

work well with people as part of a team?

To help take the stress out of job searching, try not to pursue too many

different avenues. Having a well-mapped out plan based on goals you've set

and thought about will make it easier on your job searching.

It can be beneficial to concentrate on what you are good at and what you

enjoy doing. For example, which subjects you excelled in school that might

relate to your ideal job or career. What were your favorites? English?

English could help in a job as a copywriter at an ad agency or editor for a

publishing company. Biology could come in handy working in a hospital lab.

Job-related skills may have gained in a variety of ways, including education,

training, work, hobbies, and other life experiences. Those experiences that

you really enjoyed often demonstrate skills that you should try to use in

your career choice. When seeking a job in a particular field, you should do

some background research. Find out the latest trends in the industry and

become familiar with names of major and up-coming companies.

A list of some of the fastest growing occupations:

>>> Accountant

Lamar Dean explores JOBS and CAREERS That Matches Your Skills

2011年5月31日 星期二

Work At Home Assemble & Crafts Jobs!

Over 250 Home Assemble & Crafts Jobs. Work At Home Making Crafts For Cash!

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Proper Job Search Etiquette Can Start During the Holidays

How would you like to wake up on some morning in early January, a solid job offer in hand, while the rest of the job seekers are just getting started on their search? Do you think it's too late for that? If so, you're almost right. But if you get started immediately, you can get your foot squarely in the door while everyone else is out shopping, drinking egg nog or worse yet, lamenting the Layoffs, the Stock Market, and whatever doom and gloom news that gets circulated. Contrary to the popular refrain, "the holidays" are a golden time to look for a job, and a number of opportunities will be gone if you wait until after the New Year.

But attitude means just about everything too if you are working or have been laid off and are seeking new opportunities. Remember that for most jobseekers it's bad etiquette to appear desperate or needy to any contact or employers. Wendy Calson, an executive in transition said this: "When I stopped acting so needy and pestering people for employment opportunities and just finding out employers needs and finding ways to fill them my search style yielded more return emails and phone calls." For job search please consider adopting this holiday attitude and core commitment - it's never too early to develop a positive relationship, renew relationships or build new ones. Matt Zelman, an independent executive recruiter said this: "Most jobseekers during the holidays come across anxious, upset and glum. I don't want to hire or consider them based on their bad attitude." So change your attitude before "the holidays" are over. Focus on developing new relationships, starting and keeping outstanding communication habits.

Perhaps it is true that timing is everything, and at any given time of the year, a window of opportunity opens and closes. How do you know the holidays won't open the key relationship, contact or online/offline lead that results in an interview for you? In fact, the year-end crunch may offer significantly more opportunities than other times of the year depending on your industry, where you are looking and hiring trends. Recruiter Matt Zelman: "You hear the headlines of layoffs, but there is a but here. But...hiring managers are often under pressure to fill job requisitions by the end of the year, knowing that their window will close after the first of the year. Companies may have an overt 'freeze' that will cease. Recruiters, like other salespeople, are under pressure to fill their quotas." So are you developing relationships with key hiring managers or just demonstrating through email, online and offline networking how frustrated you are? Now is the time to stay connected, in touch and focused!

If you look at the kind of group think that is out there, what do you suppose most job seekers are doing or saying? Ask them. Most job seekers have already called it quits for the year, resolving to get serious about looking for a job After the Holidays. Media facts back them up. Read any headlines. X Company Announces Layoffs. Who could argue with the headlines? So my advice? Stop looking at the macro headlines? It's the micro-economy that matters - Yours!

So when the masses of job seekers back off it's an opportunity. This narrows the playing field considerably, and it increases the amount of pressure on hiring managers who know that they need to fill positions during December. Also, most people who are out looking for jobs are easily discouraged by the holiday slowdown myth. If you have a solid plan of attack, you can keep your head above the water and attract people to you. This will give you an advantage over the majority of other job seekers. So, the time to hit the job market is now.

However, to pull this off, you must make effectively invest your time. Continue to customize your resumes vs. spraying resumes everywhere. You will need to hone in and narrow your focus to the particular types of employers most likely to urgently need you. Link to them. Develop relationships. Dialogue with them. You'll also need to find a back door, or a quick avenue to accessing a decision maker directly. And you had better have something to say that helps them accomplish their goals. Finally, you'll need a way to find out about advertised and perhaps even under-advertised job vacancies. There are a few simple strategies you can use to accomplish these goals.

1. Have a Plan. Identify your long-term goals and short-term requirements. What are the must-haves about any job offer you will accept? Where do you want this job to lead you? What type of company do you want to work for? How do you see putting your skills to work?

2. Exude Happiness Despite Negative Headlines. Maintain a positive attitude and demeanor online and offline. Confidence is attractive; being in a slump isn't. Get excited about the opportunity you're going to land. That excitement will rub off on the people around you so refine your communication skills online and offline. It'll make the job search process fun and using proper, professional etiquette makes you stand out amongst the desperate masses.

3. Develop an Online Presence. If appropriate for your level of search confidentiality, create a LinkedIn, The Ladders, and association profile if you don't have one already and make sure that all of your information is up to date, appropriate and professional. Any time you learn the name of a hiring manager, look to see if anyone in your LinkedIn network knows that person, and if so, ask for an introduction. Research companies that you apply to on sites like The Ladders and develop a gameplan to research each and every one.

4. Attend Networking Events, Open Houses and Holiday Parties. Not just any networking events, and not every networking event. You'll need to figure out which events will be well attended by people who can connect you with decision makers (or, better yet, events attended by decision makers themselves). But don't carry a sandwich board with your resume on it (unless appropriate)! If you choose to attend any career fairs, be sure to research the names of the companies represented, and find out as much as possible about those companies and their current needs. Social events are times to interview. December is the month for them.

5. Find the Connectors and Properly Communicate with Them. These are the people who know the decision makers, and who have an incentive for connecting you with them. These may be recruiters, or they may be other employees in the same company. You won't know who they are at first, but they'll identify themselves to you if you network effectively. Find proper and appropriate ways to develop relationships.

To act on the time-critical window that opens during "The Holidays", you need to be fully focused on getting to the decision makers directly. You don't have any time to waste. This is why it's so critical to narrow your focus and figure out which types of employers you need to talk to. This is also why you'll need to target your "elevator pitch" to a very specific audience. If you do this, the wrong people will quickly lose interest, and the right people's ears will perk up.

Finally, don't fill out a job application with a company who hasn't heard of you. By the time you fill out a job application, this step should be a formality after the decision to bring you on board has already been made. You also don't have time to sort through online job postings, in the hopes of finding the urgent ones. There are just too many postings and not enough time. And the kind of opportunity you're looking for is unlikely to be publicly posted anyway. The front door approach takes a long time. The trick to getting a great job during the holidays is to squeeze in through the back door with proper communication etiquette only.

The job market is ripe with opportunity during the holiday season so work on the micro economy - YOURS.

John M. O'Connor
Career Pro Inc.

John M. O'Connor is the President of Career Pro Inc. ( which specializes in Individual Outplacement Solutions and Career Branding. He is available for questions and consutations at (919) 787-2400. He was the first private practice Certified Federal Job Search Trainer (CFJST) in North Carolina. John is also a Certified Electronic Career Coach (CECC). With a unique fiction writing pedigree with fiction publications as well, he obtained a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Bowling Green State University. He has been featured in the Raleigh News & Observer, The Ladders, Resume Writers Digest, The Gladiator, Execunet, Career Management Alliance Monthly Newsletter, Monster Career News and other national publications such as JIST. Additionally his diversified experience includes serving as a college professor and as a US Army officer.

2011年5月30日 星期一

Quick Job Guide - Brand New

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Diversity Jobs - A Revolution in the Modern-Day Economy

Diversity jobs have become the norm in the mainstream economy. Nowadays increased attention is being given to diversity in workplace. The labor force of every country comprises people from various racial, economic, and ethnic backgrounds. Employers are accepting the idea of bringing people from varied backgrounds to their companies. The organizations also provide training regarding this issue to its heterogeneous employees in order to build a healthy work environment.

A few decades back only male employees formed the majority of the employee strength. With changing times, companies are recruiting more women. Companies have opened their doors to more women. This has contributed to the organizations' increased productivity.

What do you mean by workplace multiplicity?

Workplace multiplicity centers round the similarities and dissimilarities of people working together in an organization. It leads to exchange of ideas among people of various languages and cultures. Organizations are becoming acquainted with the effectiveness of diversity in workplace and are willing to increase it in the coming years.

Advantages of workplace multiplicity

Multiplicity plays a pivotal role in the company's success and competitiveness. There are some advantages of workplace diversity. They are as follows:

1.Wider service range: Companies with employees from various backgrounds find it easier to provide services on a global basis. This is due to the varied cultural and language expertise of the employees.

2.Additional effective execution: Organizations embracing workplace multiplicity inspire the entire workforce thereby increasing the productivity, profit and the return on investment.

3.Improved adaptability: Diverse workforce also helps to provide varied solutions to allocation of sources, servicing, and sourcing. Since the culture and the expertise that people from varied backgrounds bring to the organization are varied, they find it easier to solve problems that may not have traditional solutions.

4.Varied viewpoints: Workplace multiplicity also increases the variety of ideas and experiences. Various business strategies can also be met through this pool of ideas. Thus workplace diversity helps in increasing the productivity and profits of a company.

The job portals offer various diversity jobs in different categories. Job seekers can browse through these portals to find vacancies and post their resumes. They may seek advice from job-search agents Career fairs are also organized in order to help the job seekers to find his or her ideal job. Job seekers can also seek valuable information from successful professionals attending these fairs. Thus one's background is no longer a disadvantage while looking for a job.

Diversity job at Nesburg, we are the largest diversity job search engine online, career opportunity resource for the cultural diversity marketplace.

2011年5月29日 星期日

How Job Fairs Can Work to Your Advantage

Somehow job fairs have become clich?. Many job seekers think that attending job fairs is a waste of time because there are never any good jobs available or they never receive any feedback. The problem stems from job seekers not having a clear objective of what they can gain by attending job fairs and ensuring that they have planned effectively to maximize and achieve desired results.

The planning process includes more than knowing the date, time, and location of the job fair and having a stack of resumes printed and ready to distribute. Planning steps should include the following:

1. Access the job fair's website (most job fairs have one), pre-register, and review the list of companies who are scheduled to participate.

2. Identify the companies you have an interest in and research their websites. You will likely find a list of job availabilities on the site which will give you a jump at knowing what type of positions they are currently seeking to fill and what qualifications are needed. Then when you are speaking to the company's representative at the job fair, you can speak specifically regarding positions that interest you and not simply appear desperate for any available job.

3. While on the websites, look for the company's vision, mission, objectives, and/or the about us page. You want to know as much about the company as you can to get an understanding of their corporate culture and general environment to make sure this is a place you might really want to work.

4. Most people will tell you to bring 15-25 copies of your resume for distribution. On the contrary, you should invest the time to customize resumes based on the companies and available positions that you have researched. This will set your resume and cover letter apart for the sea of other generics. You should also bring a few general copies of your resume in case you discover an opportunity that you did not prepare for.

5. Plan your wardrobe ahead of time (dress professionally) and arrange to attend with a friend if possible. Most people feel less awkward and more confident when they have someone along.

6. Prepare yourself a professional name tag and wear it (not a stick-on written with a Sharpie).

Once people arrive at a job fair they tend to wander somewhat aimlessly around, collecting brochures or information from the vendor's tables. Then they place their resumes in a tray or the assigned spot, engage in a brief exchange with the company representative and move on. The following is what one should do once you arrive at the job fair:

? Before approaching any of the tables, identify where the companies you researched are located in the venue and start with your company of interest where there is the least amount of traffic. The less people you have to compete with, the more time you will have to engage in meaningful conversation with the company representatives.

? Start by introducing yourself and call them by name if they are wearing a name tag. Let them know that you previously researched available positions and want to know if that particular position is still available.

? Also ask about future job availabilities and be certain to get a business card and write on the back of that card any opportunities they tell you may be up-coming.

? Once you have met with your companies of choice, meet with as many other companies as you can and leave them a generic resume. You may come across an unexpected opportunity.

? If actual recruiters are attending the job fair, they will expect you to be prepared to talk about your career objectives, strengths, interests, relevant skills and abilities, why you want to work for their organization, and what experience and value you bring. Steer clear of generic answers that the person standing next to you can give. Tell them specifically about you so that they will remember you.

In addition to meeting with company representatives and positioning yourself for potential employment, a job fair is a great opportunity to make networking contacts. Although many of the attendees are in the job market as well, you may be able to use this to your advantage. Find out about organizations they belong to or future job fairs and events they might be attending which might help you expand your search. The job fair is also a great place to learn about industries and companies you may not have previously considered and to practice your verbal communications and interview skills. Last but not least, it gives you an opportunity to case your competition and see how you measure up. By engaging in conversation with other job seekers, you can learn about their educational background, experience and strengths. You can use this knowledge to strengthen your professional development plan so that you can keep and maintain a competitive edge.

Sheila R. Wall

2011年5月28日 星期六

3 Essential Websites For Sports Job Seekers

In my article you will read and discover 3 essential websites that are all free and contain numerous amounts of information about jobs and how to find them within the sports industry. These jobs are in no particular order; they are just from my own personal experience and my token of free advice for sports job seekers. TeamWork Online is an online job board/applicant system that assists in recruiting for sports organizations. It's quite simple how this website is successful with matching candidates to sports jobs and also assisting with upcoming career fairs in cities that are near you. The website covers a variety of companies and organizations from Comcast to the Atlantic Falcons to Women's Pro Soccer to Fathead and many more. In addition to this website, if you don't know what career best fits your skills, you can use their Career Help tab to sample numerous amounts of job descriptions and read about them to help you learn more about what that career retains.

Another essential website is Sports Job Blog which is a new site available to all users that are looking for jobs within sports organizations. The site is completely free and simple to navigate through for anybody. The site is updated each month to keep new and exciting careers open to the public, to view each incoming job click on the recent posts tab. Sports Job Blog has an individual section just for internships not only pertaining to sports but general business, marketing, finance, research and telecommunications as well. Sports Job Blog offers unique job posts that I didn't find browsing through other sports websites. They offer Minor League Baseball, European Football, Wrestling, U.S. Tennis and Professional Skateboarding. There is also a tab for blogs and blogging to read and share comments about sports. From what I read these blogs are about the skills that you need to help you accomplish securing a job in the sport you want to work in.

Finally, to round off my top 3 sports websites is Sports Links Central. This site is more of a sports industry web directory that aims to provide links to official sites in a variety of sports industry categories. Sports Links Central is precisely sport orientated and comprises sport federations, facilities, media, travel, business, education, entertainment, leagues and teams, goods and apparel, and halls of fame links. This site is overwhelming with information and I found myself becoming diverted easily within minutes. Searching for sports jobs can become quite irritating after the first few job sites and the selection of keywords you use in the search engine but with this site you can find a preponderance of sports websites. Another positive spin about this site is the revealing of which websites have no subscription fee required, because people know free is better in most cases.

None of the websites contain bogus information, or jobs, and I highly recommend you check out all three.

Tyquinn Mosby is a contributor to the A website designed by Sport Management students to help others find work in sports. For more details visit the site at []

Employer Presentations and Fairs for Graduates

If you are a job seeker, among the best ways to find a job is to attend employer presentations and recruitment fairs. Here is an introduction on what you can expect in the said events.

Employer Presentations

In order to convince job seekers to apply with a company, most firms hold regular employer presentations. This is their way to showcase what they got and what it is like it is to work for them.

In an employer presentation, you will be familiarized with the culture of the company. This will be your chance to get to know more about the firm that you'll be working for, helping you decide if you want to push through with your application and if the position you're applying for is the right one for you.

In such presentations, they discuss their graduate programs. These programs will educate applicants to learn new skills that will qualify them for the company. There will also be a portion for questions and answers. This event may be followed by refreshment, where the company will serve light meals. This part can be the most exciting because it's the applicant's chance to mingle with both new recruits and senior workers.

Recruitment Fairs

Some companies also conduct recruitment fairs to get new recruits. This can be a great opportunity for you to make initial contacts with them. They may carry out a short interview during the fair to ask more things about you.

In events such as these, you will get the chance to talk to several employers under one roof. It will be like "shopping" for employers. You will know which companies are hiring and what positions are open. It will be best to attend a recruitment fair on the first day to ensure that many positions will still be available.

Find job vacancies on

2011年5月27日 星期五

Are Job Search Firms the Answer to Your Job Hunt?

Honestly speaking, I am not a big fan of job search firms. I've never submitted my resume to any recruiter and probably never will. I just don't see companies hiring the services of a recruiter during times where almost all of them are cutting costs.

In addition consider that there are a lot of qualified people looking for jobs, the need for recruitment firms is just not there.

I spend a lot of time talking with job seekers in forums and other online venues, and I found out that many of those who sought the services of job search firms are still unemployed.

Some of my friends in the recruitment industry are having trouble finding a job. If they are having trouble finding themselves a job, how can they find you a job?

OK. I figured I'm talking a lot against job search firms here. In all fairness, they do have success stories to tell. In fact one success story is with a colleague of mine who was working for a fortune 200 company when he was recruited to work for a fortune 500 company.

He is an engineer who has a very good track record and 15 years of experience in the manufacturing industry. The recruiter caught him at a time where he was contemplating leaving the job because he was feeling dissatisfied. Talk about timing.

The job search firm specializes in recruiting people for Fortune 1000 companies. The recruiter was very helpful and provided a lot of useful information that assisted my friend in having a successful interview. Including what traits the employer was specifically looking for in a candidate.

Now you may be wondering if I am really against job search firms or if I am promoting them. The answer is neither. They can be helpful, yes, but leaving your fate completely in the hands of others is never good idea. You can't just wait for the phone to ring just because you gave your resume to a recruiter.

In my example, my friend wasn't even looking for a job. It was just good timing on the part of the recruiter. The point is there is a difference between being sought after and hoping for somebody to find you a job.

As many say, don't keep all your eggs in one basket. Diversification of approach and proactivity are keys. As a job seeker, you should diversify and use as many methods that will help you land a job. If you want to use job search firms, by all means do so, but don't rely solely on them to find and get that job for you.

And make sure to choose a reliable firm; one that has a good track record and a roster of success stories. You can ask them about their turn around time, how long before they find you a job? And probably ask who their clients are. This helpful information shows the reliability of the job search firms that you are utilizing.

Receive Employment Coach Sean McCaffrey's FREE information packed CD "Six Amazing Success Secrets Every Job Seeker Needs to Know: Getting your best fit job []! For more information on job search firms visit

2011年5月25日 星期三

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2011年5月24日 星期二

Helpful Tools and Career Advice for Scottish Job Seekers

You might have seen a lot of negative press about the jobs market in Scotland, but the situation is getting better and you will actually be surprised by the great range of jobs in Scotland.

If you want to work in Scotland then you want be disappointed by the range of great locations to live. Some of the main cities include Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee, Inverness and Falkirk. You should spend some time learning about the different cities and deciding where you might like to live. You might also want to look into the job opportunities in your chosen location to see if there is anything that might suit you.

One of the best ways you can find the best Scottish Jobs is to check some of the top Scottish Job boards. The best websites should have a specific job search facility where you can search for jobs in your chosen location. For example, if you are looking for Engineering Jobs then you could search for 'Engineering Jobs in Aberdeen.'

If you want to get an idea of what sort of job industries are prominent in Scotland, then take a look at the sectors listed below. These are the job sectors that seem to pop up on Scottish Jobs boards on a regular basis:

? Accountancy

? Engineering

? Finance and Banking

? Health and Safety

? Customer Service

? Graduate

? Beauty

? PR

? Marketing

? Social Work

? Retail

? Gas and Oil

As you can see, there is a fairly good range of jobs available. You should be able to find something you are interested in. Other useful careers tools that you can use include job email alerts, CV upload facilities, cover letter advice and tips and careers questionnaires and videos.

There are a few Scottish Jobs websites that provide some helpful tips about how to write the perfect cover letter and CV. Some of them might also give you a bit of information about what it is like to work in Scotland and where to look for the best jobs.

There are also some Scottish careers websites that you have to sign up to in order to get the best tools. You might have to register with them to access things like personal job shortlists, tailored careers advice and employer information.

If you are looking for some Jobs in Scotland then you should think about finding out about the great range of Jobs in Glasgow

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2011年5月23日 星期一

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2011年5月20日 星期五

Job Search Tips - The Pros and Cons of Career Fairs

When it comes to finding a job, you are likely to look a lot of places and this is a good idea. The more places you look, the more jobs you are likely to find. But what about a career fair? It is a good way to find a job or just a waste of your time?

The Pros of Career Fairs

Networking: You will run into many individuals and companies at a career fair. This is a good chance to get out of there and network. Not only can you handout your resume or a business card, but you can also exchange personal information such as a cell phone numbers, email addresses, or twitter names (yes really). In today's society, networking can significantly improve your chances of landing a job. It is all about looking in the right places and having a good resume, but sometimes it is also about who you know.

Learn: You might be surprised how much you can learn at a career fair. Most importantly, you will learn about some local companies that you didn't even know existed. This is great because when you are in need of a job, you are encouraged to examine all of your options. While most hiring companies prefer to post a listing online, some like to have the option to meet interested job applicants in person.

Interviews: All job fairs and the companies who attend them are different. Some aren't even actively hiring right now, but they want to create a good database of resume for later. Some companies are hiring and will just collect your resume; their reps are there to do that collecting and tell all interested job seekers about the position. Best of all is the fact that some companies will do on-the-spot interviews! You might walkout of the career fair with a job or an appointment for a second, more formal interview.

The Cons of Career Fairs

Time: Job fairs are nice to attend because you might walk away with a great job. On that same note, you cannot ignore the fact that they require a lot of time. On average, most individuals are at the average fair for at least three hours. After all, there might be hundreds of booths setup and you want to do more than just run up and hand them your resume; you want to stay and network. If you are unemployed, this time will be well-spent. If you are employed and just looking for a new job, you might find some time problems.

Fees: Lets get one thing clear first, not all career fairs cost money to attend. For example, those that are held in public places like a local mall are typically free to attend. It is typically advised that you don't pay to attend a job fair unless a limited number of individuals are allowed in. As mentioned above, there are no guarantees so you might not want to take the risk.

If you want to eliminate the time and hassle of attending a career fair, do your job searching online; it is fast and easy. In fact, you can save even more time by using a desktop job finding program. These programs do vary from program to program, but they are designed to let you search hundreds or even thousands of job sites with one single search. Many also come with other great features, such as customized notes, built-in replies, advanced search features, and more.

Click here to search thousands of job sites at once with the JobFinder; try it free!

Five Mistakes Job Seekers Make on Their Resumes

I think I'm beginning to sound borderline preachy with my resume and cover letter advice. But I also feel I have a duty to share with job seekers the blunders and mistakes they make that prevent them from getting the interview and ultimately the offer. After ten years of working as a human resources manager and recruiter I've seen my fair share of job seeker mistakes. So here's my list of the five biggest mistakes job seekers make on their resumes.

MISTAKE #1: Outdated formatting

The first impression your resume gives is critical. How do you want the hiring manager to perceive you? Professional and accomplished? Or sloppy and disorganized? Old and outdated formats only reflect poorly on you as a viable candidate for the position.

MISTAKE #2: Using an objective

If your resume has an objective, please remove it. That is an outdated practice that is no longer relevant in today's job market. Objectives will only land you in the "bland, just like everyone else" pile-not the "oh yeah, don't let me forget to call them today" pile.

MISTAKE #3: Forgetting important keywords

Don't forget to use industry specific keywords. Also, make sure you know where to place them. The top section of the resume is the best place because that's where the hiring manager's eyes will be drawn. Short keywords are a great way to tell the employer about your expertise.

MISTAKE #4: Length and text density

Too long or too short and you've lost your hiring manager. Keep paragraphs to 3-5 sentences-and the same goes for the number of bullets you use in your resume. Why? Any longer and you lose the audience in information overload-any shorter and you appear under qualified.

MISTAKE #5: Listing responsibilities instead of accomplishments

The hiring manager doesn't want your resume to be an exact replica of the job ad. He already knows what he needs. What he needs to know is how you're going to meet their needs. Utilize statements that demonstrate your expertise and accomplishments in a given area. Certainly there was a challenge you faced while working for your current or previous employers. How did you address these challenges and what were the results? The answers to these questions make for GREAT bullet points on a resume.

To receive a free resume analysis send your resume to or visit us online at