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2010年12月20日 星期一

Job Security – Advanced techniques

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Jobs are like busses, if you get on the right one, you arrive at your destination

Abstract: Executive career planning for job security – Visibility, choosing the right employer, your professional brand and importance of a Personal Board of Directors.

Are you in the career you planned when you were in college? Have you had more than?one career? Do you know where you want to be in three, ?ve or seven years? Do you?know how to decide? Do you know how to make it happen?

My most successful coaching clients are able to articulate short and long-term goals.?They are courted by hiring authorities, recruiters and peers. They know their brand,?their value to prospective employers and exactly how to articulate that value. And they?know when to say ‘no’ to an opportunity, no matter how seductive, because they have?a plan.

Just as a vision is critical for the success of a company or product line, so too is it?critical for the success of a career. And just as with a product, when course corrections?are made due to unforeseen opportunity or risk, the right changes are made and the?career is not derailed.

Managing your career means you are likely to earn more money over your lifetime.


Rod S. is a Seattle area IT executive known locally for fast problem?resolution and innovative solutions for back of?ce tools. He works for a recognized?leader in delivering products and his team makes that happen.

Rod is 41 years old and eager to leverage his reputation into a higher paying job that?will get him closer to his savings goals. When a NYC company came courting with the?promise of a $200k increase in his paycheck, he was ready to pounce.

Rod’s long term goal is CIO of a Seattle technology company. The job is for a non-technology company that needs someone to get them up to speed in their IT?deliverables. He has the skill set and knowledge to do that. He knows he can do it and?convinced himself it is a good move, even though it is not in Seattle.

Risks: Moving to NY to a non-technology company takes him out of the mainstream IT?arena. His network is diminished, his work hidden from view. He cannot later leverage?the ‘brand’ of the company, nor his personal brand as an IT leader since his work will?be invisible to the outside world. He loses the kinetic momentum of Seattle peer?relationships and, while he will have a larger pay check, his expenses will also be
higher. In truth, the job is seductive only on paper.

If he takes that job, he delays or kills his opportunity to be CIO of a technology?company because it does not move him closer to his goal in any way.?And worse,?because non-technology companies are notoriously resistant to technology innovation?and change, he will probably self select leaving within 18 months, thereby corrupting?his resume with a short tenured job, out of state from his intended home.

Net: “Can I be successful here?” is more important than “How much money can I make?”

You are building a career, not just taking a job.

Your resume and your career.

The Wall Street Journal reports that 40% of executives leave their jobs within 18 months. And every one who does potentially creates serious career damage. Employers believe people who stay in jobs 4+ years are better than those who move around. The ?rst thing anyone who views a resume checks for is the pattern of longevity. You can offer all sorts of reasons for leaving but the fact is, any candidate with a sturdy work history aces those without.

There are no reasons or circumstances employers accept when faced with that choice. Preserving your resume is critical to your career success. Thus, career planning is critical to avoid taking the wrong job. Knowing how to vet a prospective employer is equally important.

Employers are very good at telling an executive what they want to hear when they want to hire them. It is incumbent on candidates to dive deep to discover the real truth. Job Search Debugged lists the criteria investors use to vet a company and also talks about?how you can get to the truth.


Of six recent clients, two had less than three years in four recent jobs, two had a pattern staying six+ and one had eleven years with the same company.

Eleven years = Job opportunities came to him which were all signi?cantly more senior than his current role.

Six year pattern = Hiring authorities and investors tapped him for similar roles to theone he had with greater responsibilities and or more $$.

Less than 2 years in more than two recent jobs = No one reached out and their job?search was stressful and frustrating. Only second tier companies were interested and compensation was not as high as in the other two scenarios. [Read ideas to overcome this issue]

The importance of the kindness of strangers.

Determine where you want to be in three-?ve years and know how to get there. I have always found it somewhat magical that anyone aspires to a given job without actually knowing what that job is about. Sure, we talk about titles, but do we really know what tasks the individual does?

Get to know people who have the job you want in ?ve or more years. Ask to shadow them, ask questions about how they got to where they are and what worked, what they would do differently. There is no better preparation for a new role than knowing what it requires in more than the theoretical sense. You need a roadmap.

Mentors. Those clients who have a mentor tend to be promoted faster and receive accolades more frequently. One such individual was commended by the CEO for having contributed to the betterment of the corporation because of the processes he brought into his own department which were then duplicated elsewhere. His mentor guided him towards that outcome. [Mentors typically guide executives for decision making and process, Coaches tend to guide on leadership and interpersonal growth.]

Personal Board of Directors, the open sesame for career advancement.

No company expects to run well without a Board of Directors overseeing and guidingtheir important activities. They are the fail-safe for any company just as they are for an executive.

Fast-track your career with a Personal Board of Directors the same way companies fast-track their business. Those successful executives who work their career plan expertly have a Personal Board of Directors. I encourage all whom I coach to create a personal board to access ideas, solutions and wisdom they would not otherwise have.

Over time, the board provides connections, leads to jobs and continuing support as?you build your career. One client interviewed and was in the top two for a CEO position. The job was seen as a stretch for him until he introduced them to his Board of Directors. The company was visibly impressed and understood two important factors that distinguished my client from his competition.

1.? The executives he could call on for support were accomplished, noteworthy?and fully cognizant of the applicant’s career strengths and weaknesses. They felt safer with their decision to hire him because they knew the track records of those who had his back.

2.? Introducing the employer to his board was a very sophisticated form of name dropping. Their concern about the candidate’s outreach to the community

The Board as a powerful networking resource.

The fact is your personal board will?accelerate your entrepreneurial learning curve. Your board is fully aware of your career objectives, experience and strengths because you update them, interact with them periodically on the topic. You can take it to the bank that when it is time for you to do a job search, they are the ?rst to connect you to their network for spot-on opportunities.

And even if you are not looking for a new job, when a suitable opportunity arises, they?will be quick to mention your name and provide an introduction. Now THAT’s networking.

Your personal brand opens doors.

Think you can just call an established executive and ask them to your board? Thinkagain. They have to feel supporting your efforts will make them look good. And for that, you need a highly visible track record.

That’s where your brand comes it. You have a brand whether you created it purposefully or not. Get control of it using social networking opportunities and any public forums or speaking opportunities. Job Search Debugged speaks to building your brand, step by step without making it so time consuming you have little else to do. Know your brand and use it when people ask what you do or where you work. It is your elevator pitch for social circumstances.

Beyond Twitter and Facebook:

Volunteer – Nothing builds a bond better than a shared experience. Get to know people outside the work venue.

Join – Alumni groups, hobby groups and community efforts are alive with folks youwant to know. There’s nothing like a car club, for instance, for building relationships with people you would not normally meet.
Attend – Become a ?xture at certain business networking events.

On Steroids:
If you don’t already have one, get an MBA. The people with whom you matriculatebecome part of your career network for life.

In Summary. When you are branded and networked, jobs come to you. When people know you they refer you and invite you to participate. There is nothing like an excellent personal relationship or strategic introduction to overcome ageism issues and career obstacles.

You are judged by the company you keep. Work hard to maintain your brand, stay in the radar of the right people, chose the right opportunities and your career will be resilient and lucrative.


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