Is to make no automatic renewal means that Orozco will need to fill out a long-form renewal licences license to El Diamante Tacos and Rapha. renewal long-form is the arey/similar documents needed a new marque establishment seeking a license alcohol. It is long and take a lot of inspections.
Council will hold a hearing to the public, take action on the issue during the 7 p.m. Tuesday Council meeting in Grand Island City Hall.
Other issues on Tuesday in front of City Council include:
afterwards allowed to draw a $ 18 million to Uranium treatment plant to the city and river Platte wellfield to percentage based either on consumption augmente water a generalisee randonnee 30 percent to pay for treatment.
We raise $ 225,000 in funding local option municipal economic development program (LB840) for standard iron a metal fabrication company in Platte Valley Industriels the Park. Of the $ 225,000, a total of $ 150,000 should be an outright infrastructure grants to help with expansion 53,000 foot House. The remaining $ 75,000 should a name loan to create 25 new work and conserver. Standard Fer currently has 98 staff and success completed a don LB840 in 2004.
next Demantelement Grand Island Solid waste agency created in 1992 between Grand Island and the United States as the initial obligations for projects where the waste was paid off.
Your Approbation interlocal made an agreement with the County for a Pictometry oblique photography aerienne. The city $ 53,000 dollars commettre courses.
A report on the annual audit for General Electric, and water.
We Proclamer March 7 as '' Nebraska danger week "for the start of the new team in soccer in Grand Island.
If you go to
That Grand Island City Council meeting.
When. 7 p.m. Tuesday.
Where: Grand Island City Hall, 100 e. First St.
Subject: water rate structure discussions to pay for a Uranium treatment plants, $ 225,000 in business law to standard iron, did not allow renewed license automatic like a nightclub El Diamante and Tacos and Rapha.