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2011年6月4日 星期六

Job Search - How to Get a Job Fast!

This recession is fast upon us and it will be around for a long time. Many of us are at risk of losing our jobs. Some of us may already be out of work. Without a job, you cannot provide for your family or pay for major expenses such as your mortgage and car. You may have to dig deep into your savings if you have any, or ask family and friends to help out. It can be very depressing and humiliating to find yourself in this situation.

With millions of people looking for jobs and not enough jobs to go around, you must figure out ways to stand out above this crowd. Ways to get a huge edge over other job seekers? To have your resume picked first? To get called first for more interviews than others and to get lots of job offers? To get the best compensation package?

Getting a new job is easy once you know how. To beat out other job hunters, you must be the best in your job search efforts and use the best job-getting tools available. If you are not willing to put in the effort to rise above the crowd, you may have to settle for a job that does not suit you or worse yet remain unemployed.

Follow all these proven steps to get a job fast:

Where To Find Jobs

To get a job you must know where they are and who is offering them. As bad as the economy is, do you know that in several industry sectors, there are jobs available by the thousands! In sectors such as infrastructure construction, green sector, health care and fitness, energy and utilities, government, technology and education, there are and will be hundreds of thousands of jobs available.

How To Look For Jobs

99% of people take the easy way out and apply for jobs advertised in local or national newspapers. These are the jobs that have the most competition. Remember we want to stand out in our job search efforts. There are at least a dozen or more other ways to find jobs that very few know about or use. All it takes is to diversify your search efforts.

How To Do An Self- Evaluation

Before you let potential employers know about you, it might be useful to know about yourself first. Do you know what you have to offer an employer? The purpose of a self-evaluation is to assess your strengths, weaknesses, skills and abilities. It will go a long way in tailoring your competencies to what the potential employer wants.

Know What Employers Want

If you don't know what employers are looking for want, how can you offer them what they want? It's like playing poker and trying to guess who has got what. Well it pays to do a little research beyond the skimpy job posting to find out what a employer truly wants. Knowing this, you can prepare yourself accordingly, in your resume, cover letter and interview questions.

Applying For The Job

There are many ways to apply for a job including completing a job application, employment application, online job application, and applying via email and mail. It is quite easy to botch this important step if you don't follow employers directions.

How To Prepare A Job Resume

Every day employers sort through piles of resumes and typically devote 30 seconds or less to each one. Your resume is your marketing brochure designed to attract the interest of the prospective employer. An effective resume must make a powerful impression and entice them to read more. Learn how to write amazing resumes that will have employers calling you for job interviews.

How to Prepare A Cover Letter

If your resume is your marketing brochure, then your cover letter is your business card that accompanies your resume. Your cover letter is your first (and best) chance to make a good impression! An effective cover letter should explain the reasons for your interest in the organization and in the job you are applying for. Learn how to write an effective cover letter.

How To Conduct Yourself At A Job Interview

The purpose of a job interview is for you and the employer to get to know each other and find out whether there is a good fit of skills, experience and attitude. It's an opportunity for you to market yourself and let your future employer see the benefits you could bring to the role. It's also your chance to find out whether you want to work for them. Learn about how you should prepare for a job interview.....

How To Negotiate A Fair Compensation Package

Before you start talking compensation with a prospective employer, you need to find out how much the job (and you) are worth. Leaving money on the table is the most common mistake potential employees make when confronted with the question, "How much are you looking for?" Every good interviewer will ask this. Learn how to get what you are worth and a job offer that's realistic.

If you enjoyed reading this article and would like to learn more about the specifics of each of these steps, then I invite you to visit Job Search []

Author: Art J. Lewis

