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2011年6月1日 星期三

Looking For a Job That Matches Your Skills?

Searching and finding the right job involves learning specific job search

skills and then planning and organizing the best ways to look for a job.

First, begin by asking yourself:

A: What type of job am I looking for?

B: What skills do I have to offer?

Before starting a job search you need to have a well-outlined plan. When it

comes to applying for a job, setting goals is essential. One common problem

with job seekers is that they don't question themselves whether they're

suited for a specific job position or career. It's important that the work

you are going to be doing is enjoyable and rewarding. If you wouldn't enjoy

spending a great amount of time with children, becoming an elementary school

teacher probably wouldn't be best suited for you. If you are meticulous and

like detail oriented work, being an accountant might be the ideal job for you.

Don't forget, when getting a job, your lifestyle will probably be altered.

For example, working as a management consultant for an international company,

chances are you would probably be spending a fair amount of time

you would need to like flying. A career such as an urban engineer would

require living in a large city, so having this type of job wouldn't be

suitable for you if you preferred living in a smaller, rural area.

3 Things to consider before job searching:

1: Opportunities for advancement vary for different careers and companies.

Some offer a much greater chance than others to advance quickly. So how quick

you want to advance depends on which career or company you choose.

2: Some jobs allow more of a flexible work schedule than others. Keep this in

mind when seeking a job that might require working long hours.

3: To help determine which job is best for you, you should think about the

things that interest you, your likes, dislikes, and what you enjoy doing. Do

you enjoy working with people?...working with machines?...working in an

office?...working outdoors?...doing routine activities? Your likes, dislikes,

personality, and goals should determine what job or career you should choose.

The next step, after you have determined what your interests are and what's

important to you, is what skills you have to offer. Do you have the skill to

comprehend and use words well? see details? work independently?...

work well with people as part of a team?

To help take the stress out of job searching, try not to pursue too many

different avenues. Having a well-mapped out plan based on goals you've set

and thought about will make it easier on your job searching.

It can be beneficial to concentrate on what you are good at and what you

enjoy doing. For example, which subjects you excelled in school that might

relate to your ideal job or career. What were your favorites? English?

English could help in a job as a copywriter at an ad agency or editor for a

publishing company. Biology could come in handy working in a hospital lab.

Job-related skills may have gained in a variety of ways, including education,

training, work, hobbies, and other life experiences. Those experiences that

you really enjoyed often demonstrate skills that you should try to use in

your career choice. When seeking a job in a particular field, you should do

some background research. Find out the latest trends in the industry and

become familiar with names of major and up-coming companies.

A list of some of the fastest growing occupations:

>>> Accountant

Lamar Dean explores JOBS and CAREERS That Matches Your Skills

