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2011年1月29日 星期六

Write an effective cover letter strengthens your C.v.

When you search for a job, it may be tempting to treat each request as a task by heart. Often you need to send your professional resume to hundreds of sites a week, and it can feel as you simply do not have time to do something other than speed through the process. Many people think mistakenly that quantity is more important than the quality when you try to find a job. This state of mind often prevents people to write a good letter of motivation.

Intangible information

While your resume presents your talents, experience and education in an easy to read manner, there is much more subtle pieces of information that can be transmitted with a concise and well written cover letter. Is requesting a player? It will contribute to the atmosphere of the company in a positive manner? How passionate is this applicant work? Can the applicant himself to express themselves in a positive, effective and professional manner?

Consider how, in a job interview, your interviewer potential evaluates many things about your personality while asking yourself questions about your work habits. A good cover letter can actually begin this process early by highlighting your Center and front personality of working until the employer gets even the resume. Of course, it must be short - no interviewer wants a novel explaining who you are - but a short introduction can help you to seem more human and stand out from the rest.


Most people looking for jobs include not any cover letter or in the hope that qualifications on a recovery are sufficient or do not have a plan in all. With a good letter of motivation, you can stand out from the rest of the pack by ressing Add society directly. (Proactive (Cela_montre_que_vous_etes_un), b) ready to go beyond and c) poli. The factor of politeness, it may not seem like much, can be the difference between an HR employee throw your resume in the trash and give him a second look. Remember that businesses are occupied by people too, and when you write a cover letter, provide you a context for your resume. You treat the person reading your resume as a human being rather than an impersonal robot.

Show that you know their game

Each company has its own communication strategy and style. You can see in the type of the language they use on their website to describe services they offer, or on the packaging of the product. You want to work for all as the best scriptwriter Executive resume tailors a recovery specifically for each company, as they are sent, with certain qualities and qualifications has highlighted over others, so a cover letter can show that you have done your research in society. These days, people would just hire someone. You need to go beyond showing that, contrary to hundreds of other applicants, you value the same things that the company that you want to work. These values are better conveyed by a well written cover letter.

Showcasing your skills in communication, shared values, and proactivity and allowing you to stand as a candidate, it is clear that a cover letter is essential in a world in search of employment. Do not send your resume without one!

Paul Freiberger is President of shimmering CV, CV writing, interview preparation and career counselling. Shimmering resumes have offices in San Mateo, California and Menlo Park, California. Resume shimmering provides services nationally. Paul is the author of several books and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize winner. He can be reached from the box of info on the website of shimmering resume, or by phone at 877-796-9737.

