Top GOP oversight official Rep. Darrell Issa pushing his combative slide on House Oversight Committee Democratic Republic of Elijah Cummings to accompany you to burden him finding rules, affecting economic growth.
In a Jan. 24 letter to Cummings, Issa points to a new website, the he launched Jan. 20 launched soliciting input of entrepreneurs nationwide for your input on "where helps Washington, and where does it hurt?"
"I hope that you me in encouraging job creators in your district and across America this site visit, join to take your ideas and suggestions can be heard," Issa says in the letter.
Issa gesture of Cummings comes after Cummings Issa blasted for sending request industry trade associations and other policy organizations a series of letters to a wide range to type on which the Obama administration's regulations were hurting the economy and need additional monitoring.
Cummings said the letters were synonymous with "inviting companies to tell us what you want, that we do, what to protect against the American people."
Issa pointed to President Obama's recent overtures to business groups, including several high-level meetings with CEOs and asked: since when it is inappropriate to achieve business?
"Where were all Cummings's and the DNC's outrage and concern, if the President had a few weeks ago a CEO round table or the possible involvement of Bill Daley Administration for the stated purpose of his relations with the private sector?", said Issa Kurt Bardella of spokesman for.
The Staub-Up is any early sign, the Democrats plan to aggressively frontal attack Issa, now that he holds Congressional subpoena power, granting it makes almost unlimited force Access Administration written documents and testimony of key officials.
Issa, Cummings also meeting together this morning.